artist Camel
tabname Never Let Go
downloaded from

Never Let Go - from Camel's first album

Here comes a Camel favourit. It seems like I'm into transcribing chords
from the first Camel album (could it be that it's the only album which
can still be tabbed by an amature 'tabber' like me?). Coming next time:
"Slow Yourself Down", Congas not included.

The transcription is based on both original version and the 'Never Let Go'
live version. I suppose the C chord on the chorus is really another Am7,
but it's hard for me to decide. Anyway - it's a great song and it even
sounds great with one guitar.

Bass line is not included this time. Better figure it out yourself 'cos
it is as simple as only Doug Ferguson can get. Viva Ferguson! Why did he
ever leave the band?  :-