artist Queensryche
tabname Revolution Calling
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Author/Artist: Queensryche
Title: Revolution Calling
Album: Operation: Mindcrime
Transcribed by: Eric Somdahl

There's not a lot going on here that would be difficult to figure out, it's
just that nobody has ever done it...

You're going to need to bust out the 5-string for this one.  It could be done
On a 4-string in drop-D but the 6-strings were played in standard and it's
Usually a good idea (IMHO) to have all of the guitars in the band in the same
Tuning for any given song (I realize there are exceptions for certain exotic
Guitar tunings but in general it leads to confusion).  If you're dead-set
Against owning a 5-string that's your business.

I'm not going to hold your hand here.  All of the licks are spelled out and a
Lot of the fills.

Lead in from   This part goes over the beginning
Anarchy-X           and the ending

Main Verse part


Lyrics: "I used to trust the media..."

Lyrics: "Revolution Calling..."
ad lib some octave stuff in here
lead in to
solo section.  The "C" is played on the accents in odd-metered measures

After the solo section everything follows the forms from the beginning.